Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crochet coffee mug cozies and Mary Jane slippers

I have been absent too much here, I know! I need to find much more time to post my projects here.  I could probably post something new almost everyday but I get busy and it does not get done.

Here are some of the things that have been keeping me busy lately:
my newest product, Muggie- The Coffee Mug cozy
more and more Muggies
and really soft, cushy, warm and inviting Plain Jane Mary Jane slippers
These are super fun to make and are available in every color you can think of in both wool and acrylic if you have a preference against wool. Just visit my store right here
Remember to go handmade this Christmas! If you can't make it yourself, buy from someone who can. 
Lots more to come in the next few days.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Black Widow iPhone/iPod Cozy, another chrisandyaya creation

Arachnophobia or arachnephobia (from the Greekἀράχνηaráchnē, "spider" and φόβοςphóbos, "fear") is a specific phobia, the fear of spiders and other arachnids.  

The best way to cure this phobia is to become comfortable with being around spiders.  In order to help you with this... 

Meet Kat the Black Widow Spider iphone cozy. She is deadly but only if you marry her.  She is Alexandra's new addition to her iPhone/iPod
  cozy collection and its just in time for Halloween.  

Go on over to ChrisandYaya and get yourself this new creation for your iphone.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Candy corn goodie bag and booties... it must be fall

Candy corn is my all time favorite candy well besides the really bad for you circus peanuts.  When I was little my mom would tell us to throw away any unwrapped candy from my trick or treat bag.  I would secretly eat all the unwrapped candy corns and then spend the night thinking that any minute now I was going to die. I still eat my candy corns one color at a time.

If you love it as much as I do then you may like my latest projects.  I put aside my pile of finished but not yet tested crochet patterns as well as my guilt, to work on these in time for fall.
These booties are so comfy that Olivia did not take them off for pretty much the entire day.  She did forget about them while I was washing them but once she saw them it candy corn shoe love all over again.
It is hard to tell from the pictures but I designed these booties to be shaped just like the real thing.  These are worked from Lily cotton yarn and with one ball of each color you could easily make about 4 pairs or a pair of booties and this candy corn goodie bag which I first made for my Livie and then decided to make the pattern to offer in m Etsy store along with the pattern for the booties.
This goodie bag is super easy to work up and it can fit quite a bit of loot.  The handles are soft enough for your little one to carry on their own (until you become the designated candy holder). 
Here is a picture of it laying flat and a special offer only for my blog readers... Buy one pattern and receive the other for $1.  Shhh its our secret but you must remember to mention my blog in the checkout and I will refund the difference through paypal right away.

And after a few days of being her favorite shoes they are looking a teeny bit fuzzy but still good.
What's your favorite fall candy?
Happy Fall everyone

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Shark IPhone cozy and a proud mother moment

I have never met a craft I didn't like. Coming from a home where I was not taught to be creative, I definitely wanted my children to be creative in any way they showed interest in.  So far most of my children are involved in some sort of craft.

Today my oldest daughter handed this super cute knitted Iphone cozy, even though its not crocheted!  I have already told her that I want one, hopefully she will make me one.

If you would like one, you can get it at her store here at chrisandyaya on Etsy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Toadstool hats, mushroom pendants and toadstool slippers...cute!

These crochet projects came from Olivia's first birthday party.  I wanted to do a Waldorf, woodland fairy party theme and so I spent a few weeks writing and re-writing crochet patterns to fit.  I love it when I can think of something and create the pattern without too many headaches.  These patterns came really easy although some of them are being tweaked as we speak.

I saw a toadstool hat in the winter edition of Living Crafts magazine (my favorite magazine right now) sewn from wool felt and I thought I could come up with a crochet version.  The pattern is being tested at the moment and then will be available at my Etsy store, crunchycrochet.

This tiny mushroom pendant works up really fast and makes a really cute party gift.  I am probably going to offer this one as a gift with any crochet pattern purchase.
And last but not least, some toadstool shoesies to go with the toadstool hat.  I am still working on this pattern to make it perfect so hopefully it won't be too long until it is ready for Etsy also.  I had to take these slippers apart because I forgot to stuff the shroom and it went flat as you can see.

I have so many projects I have done in the past months and just have not had time to post but I promise to update more regularly.